What Is E.I.A.?

E.I.A. is a non-profit organization started in 2018 to promote civil discussion about critical issues that impact our state and nation. In a world now saturated with opinion driven headlines and misinformation it is up to us to come together and discuss what affects us as a community.

We are a diverse group of Americans, representative of our nation demographics . We are committed to gathering solid political information from multiple sources to educate ourselves and others on critical issues. We approach topics with an open mind, vote and care about our country. 

We stay well informed and do not promote any particular agenda. Critical thinking and effective communication skills are applied in the discussions of current issues. America benefits -as engaged citizens- affect change -in an informed way.


In a time when too many people get their news from social media headlines or one-sided sources, a group like this can truly have an impact on bringing community members together.
— J. G. - E.I.A. Member